Sometimes when we are dealing with the files through ftp some servers append so many blank lines in between codes.When we are using Dreamweaver we can remove blank lines between code using the regular expressions

  • Hit CTRL-F to open the Find-and-Replace tool
  • Click the “use regular expression” checkbox
  • Ensure the Search drop-down shows “Search Source Code“
  • Copy-and-Paste ‘[\r\n]{2,}’ in the Find textarea
  • Copy-and-Paste “\n” in the Replace text box.
  • Click the”Find Next” or “Find All” just to be sure this is working properly before you go straight into the “Replace All”

Feature.Remove blank Lines Between Code

So this will help us to remove blank lines between code and its easy to implement

One Comment on “Remove Blank Lines Between Code

  1. Jithin Francis
    December 9, 2013


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