Here we are discussing about how managing CMS pages in magento is done

To create a new content page:

In the Admin Panel, choose CMS > Pages

Click [Add New Page] at the top right to create a new Page. The New Page configuration page appears on the Page Information panel by default as shown below.

In the Page Information panel, enter the following information:

Page Title – Name of the page you are building. This will be reference in the browser’s title page.

URL Key – Select the unique URL key for this page. This will be part of the page URL that customers will see, visit, or link to when accessing this page. In terms of search engine optimization, it is helpful to select a keyword-rich URL Key.

Status – Select whether you wish to Publish this page or keep it Disabled. Published pages will be publicly visible on your Magento Go store.

Click Content from the left panel to edit / publish Content for this page.

Set the Content Heading to a relevant, descriptive title for this page (i.e. About Us, or About Our Company).
In the large content block, fill in the page content. You may use the Editor tools at the top to format your content, create links, add media, and more.

Click Meta Data from the left panel to input Meta Data for this page. Meta Data is descriptive information about a page that search engines may use to index your store’s pages. This content is not visible directly on your website.

In Keywords, define keywords that are relevant to this content page. It is helpful to consider keywords that potential customers may search if they were searching for your products on the Web.

In Description, write a few sentences describing the content on the page. Though it is not visible on your page itself, some search engines will list this page’s search result using the Meta Description text.
When you are finished, click [Save Page] to save and publish your new page. This is how managing CMS pages in magento

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