Get countryID from selected / entered shipping address magento

Posted by on Feb 7, 2014 in Magento, Php | No comments yet

Some times we need to get countryid from selected/entered shipping address, As the checkout page is completely driven by ajax we need to utilize any page which is refreshed like the available shipping methods block so when ever there is …

Load product by attribute in magento

Posted by on Jan 23, 2014 in Magento | No comments yet

While generally we load a product in Magento by its id, it is also possible to load product by attribute in magento. To do that use the following code – Just replace ‘attribute_name’ with the name of the attribute and …

Creating email template in magento

Posted by on Dec 5, 2013 in General, Magento | No comments yet

The templates used for transactional email are formatted with HTML and CSS, and may be simply altered. additionally, you’ll be able to customize the templates by adding variables and frontend apps. so lets discuss about creating email template in magento …

Products list filtered by attributes soap api magento

Posted by on Nov 14, 2013 in Magento | 2 Comments

We can call the products list by soap api as a whole without passing any parameters to the api call. But when we need to filter the products based on attributes we must pass the multiple attributes as an array.Here …

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