Get customer by custom attribute in Magento

Posted by on May 27, 2015 in General, Magento, Php | No comments yet
Get customer by custom attribute in Magento

We can get customer by custom attribute in magento with a single line of code as shown below, Just pass the attribute name and the desired value In the above code username is the desired custom attribute and yourusernamehere is …

Get country name from country code in magento

Posted by on May 22, 2015 in Magento | No comments yet
Get country name from country code in magento

When dealing with magento customization sometimes we need to get country name from country code. Its pretty easy to do so with a single line of code Magento has a model to manage the countries which is directory/country So first …

Magento Go is Shutting Down

Posted by on Nov 19, 2014 in Magento | No comments yet
Magento Go is Shutting Down

E-commerce platform Magento, owned by eBay’s Enterprise division, is closing down two of its products designed to reach small to medium-sized online retailers: Magento Go and ProStores. The company has posted notices and informational guides on both product websites, directing …

Create new customer attribute magento

Posted by on Oct 5, 2014 in Magento | No comments yet

Magento itself have lot of attributes inbuilt for customers, sometimes we need to add a new attribute to customer. So here is the code to create customer attribute in magento In the below example we are adding “Country of Residence” …

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