How to clear the placeholder on focus

Posted by on May 9, 2013 in General, HTML, Javascript, Jquery | No comments yet

By default place holder will stay there when we click on the text box, We can do it by writing simple code with javascript as follows Don’t forget to include jQuery The above code is mentioned only for text boxes …

Redirect to a new page if javascript is disabled

Posted by on Apr 30, 2013 in HTML, Javascript | No comments yet

We can simply redirect from a page if javascript is disabled Here is the code to do so

Place holder using javascript

Posted by on Jan 13, 2013 in HTML, Javascript | No comments yet

By using javascript we can create placeholder which is compatible with the older browsers which didn’t support the new placeholder and here is the code on how we can do this

How to show a div for some time and hide it after some time

Posted by on Nov 28, 2012 in HTML, Javascript, Jquery | No comments yet

Lets make an div that stays lit up for 2-3 seconds and take 1 second to blink. we can use the jQuery’s fadeIn and fadeOut to make the div blink Create an div Having the style as The jQuery portion …

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